Children 3 years old (potty trained) through kids entering 4th grade are invited to our WILD Vacation Bible School event this summer!! At True North VBS, kids will discover that they can trust Jesus in a wild world! True North is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch! Hands-on science experiments, team-building games, unforgettable Bible songs, and tasty treats are just some of the activities planned for True North VBS! July 13th - July 16th 5:00pm - 7:15pm
Parent/Family Information
Do you grant Light of Christ Lutheran Church the right to take photographs in connection with Vacation Bible Camp, Explorers, Voyagers, Pathfinders, Confirmation, High School, or any other church sponsored event? Do you authorize Light of Christ Lutheran Church to use such photographs for any lawful purpose, including, for example, appearing in print or online promoting Light of Christ’s activities, promotional brochures, worship presentations, or Light of Christ’s Facebook page? I further understand that if I give my permission, my child’s name will not be used to identify my child. My permission will be kept on file in the church office (yearly), and if I would like to withdraw my permission, I may do so by contacting the church office.
Please select one option.
Yes, I grant permission
No, please do not use my child's photograph for any reason
God has called parents to be the greatest influence in the faith development of their children. Your involvement in LOC's children and youth ministries contributes to its success and fulfills the promises you made at your child's baptism! Please check off any ways you can help. Thank you!
We have a minimal fee of $30 per child or $60 per family for VBS to help cover the cost of curriculum, supplies and a t-shirt each child will receive!
Families can pay online by
clicking here or can drop off cash or check in the church office. Make sure to designate your money to
VBS (with your child/ren's name/s) so that we know how to allocate it correctly.
VBS: $30 per child or $60 per family (2 or more)