SLICE Pizza RSVP 2023-2024

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Thanks for your interest in SLICE... our optional Wednesday night pizza supper for Pathfinders (grades 4-6) and Confirmation (grades 7-9). Participants must RSVP each week by 2 pm. The cost each week is $5/youth and includes 2 slices of pizza, fruit or veggie, treat and drink. Guides, Jr. Guides and parent volunteers eat for free but still need to RSVP (so we have enough food). Here is the weekly schedule:

   **Pathfinders takes place from 5-6 pm. Pizza is served from 6:00-6:15 (youth that do not eat are welcome to stay and hang out).
   **Confirmation takes place from 6:30-8:00 pm. Pizza is served beforehand from 6:00-6:25 pm.

We need 1-2 adult leaders to help serve each week... please SIGN UP HERE to volunteer. Thank you!

Email Kirsten Kelly ( or LaDonna Ekern ( with any questions. Thank you!
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