Confirmation Registration 2024-2025

Confirmation at Light of Christ (LOC) traditionally takes place during grades 7-9, with the Affirmation of Baptism celebration the Sunday after Easter in 10th grade. Confirmation is an opportunity for youth to learn, make new friends, and grow in faith as they journey to "affirm" the promises made in their baptism. Families are asked to register each year so that we have the most current info for each child/family and to complete one form per child. 10th grade students do NOT need to register but will receive updates via email.

We meet most every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 pm. Our Confirmation Orientation will take place on Wednesday, September 11th from 6:30-7:30 pm at church (for all youth and at least one parent) followed by our Guide Training from 7:30-8:30 pm. Our first day of Confirmation is Wednesday, September 18th (individual small group gatherings). And please join us for Rally Sunday on September 8th!
Thank you for registering by Friday, August 30th so that we can plan for another great year of Confirmation! Email Kirsten with any questions or concerns ( Thank you!
Youth Registration

Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
7th GRADE ONLY: Please indicate 1-3 friends that your child would prefer to have in their small group (in preference order). We cannot guarantee anything but will work to place them with AT LEAST ONE of your recommendations. Groups are normally mixed gender, so you can recommend any youth in your child's grade that you know will be participating in Confirmation at LOC. Please also share any additional info that would be helpful as we form small groups (examples might include: super shy, struggles with loud noises, doesn't like large group games). If you'd like to talk further, please email or call Kirsten Kelly.
Medical Info

Does this child have any allergies, medical conditions or special needs? We welcome info about a child's IEP if you feel it will help us minister to your child more effectively. Please also explain any other pertinent information about the participant (i.e. physical, behavioral, or emotional) that would be helpful to know. Allergy info will be shared with your child's Guide to help keep them safe. If none, please indicate "NA".
Parent/Guardian Info

The email and address used at the beginning of this form will be associated with "Guardian #1" and used for all email/newsletter communication (unless indicated otherwise).
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Providing info about your family is helpful for our staff to effectively minister to your child. Please note that this info will be kept confidential unless you indicate that it can be shared with your child's Confirmation Guide/s.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Can this family info be shared with your child's Confirmation Guide/s if staff feels that it will help our volunteers be more effective in ministering to your child?
Please select one option.

If the incoming 7th grade youth have been at LOC since 3rd grade, they should already have a Lutheran Study Bible (LSB - light blue hardcover). If your child is newer to LOC, we have ordered extra LSBs for any youth that need one. Bibles will be given out at worship on Rally Sunday, 9/8 (please put this in your calendar and plan to attend). However, we understand that some youth might already have a Bible that they'd rather use. Each Confirmation youth needs to have a Bible to use and we recommend the LSB based on the "tools" that it includes. These hardcover Bibles cost $25 each, if you choose to get one. If the cost is prohibitive, please indicate that below and we will make scholarships available! If you choose to get a LSB and would like to donate any other Bible/s your child has, they can be dropped off at the church office (M-Th 8-4) and they will be used in our classrooms at LOC. Please indicate below what you'd like to do for your child's Bible.
Please select one option.
SLICE (Wednesday Pizza Supper!)

Each night that we have Confirmation, we will have SLICE... an optional meal with pizza, drinks, fruit or veggie, and dessert. It'll take place before Confirmation from 6:00-6:30 pm and be $5/person/week. We will have a weekly RSVP link but please indicate your child's participation below so we can plan. WE WILL NEED AT LEAST 2 PARENTS EACH WEEK TO VOLUNTEER (indicate your willingness to help below under "Partnership in Ministry" section. Thank you!)
Please select one option.

At LOC, we strive to be welcoming to all. Asking about membership allows us to know how we can best walk with your family on their faith journey. Membership is not required to participate in any ministries at LOC, however, members have voting rights (at congregational meetings) and tend to be more actively involved.
Please select all that apply.
Parental Consent/Release

I/we hereby release Light of Christ Lutheran Church, its employees, agents and volunteers, from any and all liability, claims, demands, causes of action and possible causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury (including death) that may be sustained by my child (name listed in this form) while participating in or traveling to and from an event at Light of Christ.

I/we understand that personal injury or illness can and may occur to my child while in attendance at church sponsored events and I hereby authorize a representative of Light of Christ Lutheran Church to seek and consent to emergency medical treatment, dental care, surgery or hospitalization for my child as needed during the period of my/our absence; and I further agree to be liable for and to pay all costs incurred in connection with such medical/dental attention. My signature below demonstrates my consent/agreement.
Please select one option.
Media Release

Do you grant Light of Christ Lutheran Church the right to take photographs of your child in connection with any church sponsored event? Do you authorize Light of Christ Lutheran Church to use such photographs for any lawful purpose, including, for example, appearing in print or online promoting Light of Christ’s activities, promotional brochures, worship presentations, or Light of Christ’s Facebook page? I further understand that if I give my permission, my child’s name will not be used to identify my child. My permission will be kept on file in the church office (yearly), and if I would like to withdraw my permission, I may do so by contacting the church office.
Please select one option.
Partnership in Ministry

God has called parents to be the greatest influence in the faith development of their children. Your involvement in LOC’s children and/or youth ministries contributes to its success and fulfills the promises you made at your child’s baptism! Also, Kirsten is hired to work 30 hours/week, so she needs the help of parents to make it all happen! Please check off any ways you can help. Here are descriptions of each role:

: Take turns with 1-2 other adults to lead a small group of kids with guided discussion questions and lots of love. Lead 1-2 times/month. Very little prep and SO REWARDING! Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm.

Substitute Guide
: Fill in for a small group when a Guide needs to be gone. Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm.

Organize Fun, Fellowship Events: Work with Kirsten and your child's Guide/s to plan a fun, fellowship event for your child's group or the entire grade or even all Confirmation youth! Ideas might include a "Friday Fun Night", Movie or Game Night, Outdoor Bonfire/Game Night, etc.

SLICE Helper
: Set out and clean up food; supervise youth. Wednesdays from 5:45-6:30 pm.

Driver for Service Events
: Feed My Starving Children (9/25), local events, etc. Dates/time TBD.

Organize Service Events: Coordinate a location (for your child's small group, organize details and be willing to help lead that night).

: Meet with a 10th grade youth for six, 1-hour conversations about faith & life before they are confirmed.

Attend Retreat
: Drive, attend and help out at our yearly Confirmation retreat. Still being planned but most likely November 1-3, 2024 at Wapo.
Please select all that apply.
Registration Fee

This year we have increased our registration fee to more accurately reflect the cost of our ministries. We estimate that the average cost/youth to participate in Confirmation (for curriculum and staff time) is about $325/year, which is about $14/Wednesday since there are about 23 sessions - and this doesn't include any building costs, etc. We are asking each family to pay $150/child this year. There is a 2 child family max and a $20 "early bird" discount if you register and pay in full by 8/15/24.

Our yearly retreat will be separate from this fee. Also, please don't forget to add the cost of your Bible to your total (depending on what you chose above).

You may pay the fee on our website OR mail/drop off payment in the office (M-Th, 7:30 am - 4:00 pm). Please note that there is a 3% processing fee for online payments made by credit card. You may also choose to make monthly or quarterly payments, if this is easier. No youth/family will ever be turned away, so if this fee is prohibitive, please talk to Kirsten and we will discuss a partial or full scholarship. No matter how you pay, make sure to designate your money to CONFIRMATION (with your child's name) so that we know how to allocate it correctly. Also, don't forget to HIT THE SUBMIT BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE!

Please select all that apply.


Confirmation at Light of Christ (LOC) traditionally takes place during grades 7-9, with the Affirmation of Baptism celebration the Sunday after Easter in 10th grade. Confirmation is an opportunity for youth to learn, make new friends, and grow in faith as they journey to "affirm" the promises made in their baptism. Families are asked to register each year so that we have the most current info for each child/family and to complete one form per child. 10th grade students do NOT need to register but will receive updates via email.

We meet most every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 pm. Our Confirmation Orientation will take place on Wednesday, September 11th from 6:30-7:30 pm at church (for all youth and at least one parent) followed by our Guide Training from 7:30-8:30 pm. Our first day of Confirmation is Wednesday, September 18th (individual small group gatherings). And please join us for Rally Sunday on September 8th!